6 October 2019

On October 6th, hundreds gathered at Marble Arch to mark the beginning of the International Rebellion.
"Together we will invite the dance of universal peace, share songs of courage and speak to the heart and soul of our extinction crisis. We will celebrate our planet’s elements, rich species and find each other in our mourning of their loss.
Our many communities and voices will come together to light a beacon of truth and remember that rooted in love, together, we are all we need."

"This beacon will initiate two weeks of rebellion in London, part of wider direct action protests at locations around the world. Following the ceremony the beacon’s light will be carried in lanterns to key locations in London to keep its flame alive during the rebellion.
Our world is in crisis. Life itself is dying. Yet in every crisis lies the possibility of transformation. Across the world, heralded by the young, people are waking up and coming together.
It will be a moment to pause, to draw breath, to take a look inside ourselves and step into this evolutionary moment together.
‘We understand life to be precious. We are hearing the need for a pause so that we can listen for what questions humanity must ask itself before it finds answers that are in full service to all life. We are asking humanity to listen carefully to it’s violence, despair and mourning. We are asking for forgiveness. We are sorry for the separation and harm. We know that we need to repair the social, relational and personal so that we can repair the ecological, agricultural and climate."
‘Our vision is for a regenerative culture – where all systems, communities, tribes, races, religions, families, individuals and natural life can be; in relationship and in abundance. Together, in service to love and care, we have infinite power where everything and anything is possible. Your visions, your dreams, your prayers and your wishes for a world in which our children want to live in is why we are here. We are working with these visions. We are Extinction Rebellion and we are you. Everyone is invited’ ~ Skeena Rathor

Starting 7 October, after the ceremonial opening ceremony of the night before, tens of thousands of people and allied movements will return to shut down 60 capital cities around the world (https://rebellion.earth/international-rebellion/worldwide/) – blocking roads, bridges, transport links and more – to demand essential, immediate, global action in the face of the Climate and Ecological Emergency, caused by the state of the current dominant systems – political, social and economic – under which we live.
Together. Rooted in Love. Everybody Now.
We Rebel for Life. "